Riverside Villages Community header image

At Riverside Villages in Falling Waters, WV, the HOA Board is comprised of unelected members who do the bidding of Coventry Group. Together, Coventry Group and the horrible board members have made a mess of everything. Residents of Riverside Villages live in a dictatorship, and requests by anti-Coventry residents to be on the board have been denied.

Coventry has decided that they are in charge, they will appoint people to keep it that way, they will disallow votes and proxies as they see fit, and they don't want to hear from residents who disagree with them. Is that acceptable?

Coventry Group

Coventry is known in the area as being a horrible management company. Multiple law offices relayed this information.

Coventry has known for years that they do not communicate adequately. They simply do not care. Residents know that:

Coventry has been called out on their lack of communication for years. They have refused to address it, and in fact they now double down on it. Using law enforcement, they have barred the one resident who calls out their lies and lack of transparency. In fact, that resident was once on the board and was removed; there was never an explanation given for removal. (Noteworthy: he was removed after researching speedbumps and presenting findings that show them to cause more problems.)

The Board

The board members were not elected. They have been appointed by Coventry, and they have shown no interest in representing wishes of the community. Instead, these board members represent the corporate interests of Coventry.

These unelected board members were noted to "be on a power trip" after a brief interaction with an attorney. The members have harassed residents, and former/current members have lied about a number of things. There is no transparency, and the board members know this. They make up claims with no documentation whatsoever.

Polls from the neighborhood showed that residents overwhelmingly want Coventry and these board members removed. Will they step down? No, they love their petty power, it feeds their egos.

The Future

It takes just three board members to remove Coventry Group from our lives. Right now, Coventry is preventing this from happening, and the power-hungry board members just go along with it.

After Coventry and the board members are removed, there will be transparency:

All of these ideas will create transparency and community. Why is Coventry against this? Why are the current board members against this?